Bass fishing isn't just for men anymore. Women are becoming very good at Bass fishing and they seem to love Bass Fishing as much as men do. There are also a growing number of young people who have picked up the pole and have started fishing for Bass. Bass fishing is definitely a pastime for all ages.
Knowing where and how to catch Largemouth Bass requires deep understanding that can take you years to master and in the process you can spend thousands of dollars from your pocket just to pick up information that is readily available on "Kenny's Great Outdoors"
Largemouth bass are known for their overall size and sometimes over powering resistance when hooked, favoring short, powerful runs and escape to cover such as submerged logs or weedbeds. Largemouth bass are America's most popular gamefish, and with good reason: They strike aggressively, fight hard, tail walk , jump, and grow large. No wonder we love it so much.
Largemouth Bass are a tough fish to catch, they know how to play the game; you really have to get into the mind of this fish to be able to catch it, consistantely! You have to beat the largemouth bass at their own game, and they change the rules as they go.Which I might add , isn't fair, but who said life was fair anyways? What's up with that?
What are your opinions of the largemouth bass and what are the reasons you think it is becoming very popular with the people of the outdoor world! Is it just something to do , as some have said, or is it deeper than that? Lets hear your comments on this subject!
#1 bass catching tip of the day! Read ON!
Check out my archives to learn more about how to even the odds with this cunning , aggressive, and mean , predatory fish. Be sure to subscribe to this blog to keep up with the updates and posts. You can subscribe by email, feedburner subscribtion or how ever you want to do it , you can even book mark this page or store it in your favorites! Feel free to leave a comment or send articles, tips, and photos to >>-------->>>> <<-----<<
So until next time, keep your hooks wet, and boat safely! See ya all out there , soon, I hope! Enjoy the "GREAT OUTDOORS!"
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